September 28, 2024

Put Sgt Pepper back in its sleeve – after 60 years, A Hard Day’s Night is still the Beatles at


their joyful best.

On 10 July 1964, there was the chord. And while the chord may not have been a new cosmological big bang, it was the sonic equivalent in the pop cultural sense. I’m talking about the ringing, thundering, unlike-any-sound-there-had-ever-been chord that occurs at the start of the Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night, commencing the album of the same name, which was launched 60 years ago this week. With a single stroke, the Beatles changed the course of western music, and the LP – which was to continue the theme – had barely even begun.

I fell hard for the Beatles in eighth grade, and have written about and pondered them ever since. In church on Sundays I’d spend the hour attempting to rate their albums in my head. Fierce battles were waged. Was Abbey Road making a push for the No 2 spot? Was I prepared to say that Rubber Soul was better than Revolver?

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