September 27, 2024

A clampdown on below-knee contact, scrum penalties, and modifications to the “six-again” rule are a few of the legal changes that will take effect for the 2024 Super League season.

According to the Rugby Football League, the board this week approved new amendments that the laws committee had recommended.

It implies that for infractions inside their own 40-meter line, teams will now receive a full penalty rather than a “six again” starting in the upcoming season.

Teams were perceived to be purposefully giving up “six agains” in an attempt to restrict the opposition’s yardage, so they could establish their defensive line and obtain a tactical edge.

Towards this end, referees have been directed to focus more on clearing the ruck area, encouraging players to get back on their feet and try to play the ball with their foot, and to penalize players more severely for flops and hands-in during play-the-ball.

In addition, teams that receive penalties from scrums will now have the option to reset the scrum in order to promote more attacking play and discourage teams from purposefully giving up penalties. If an offense is committed repeatedly, a sin-binning may also be applied.

In 2024, teams will have more opportunities to use the “18th man” interchange. Specifically, teams will be able to use the extra man in their squads when two players fail in-game HIAs rather than three, or when a player is judged unable to continue due to an injury sustained during foul play and is given a yellow or red card.In addition, the Laws Committee expanded the dangerous contact charge to include contact with the ball carrier’s lower limb.

The tackler is an indicator of this charge or legal violation.

• When they come into contact with the ball carrier, they are not standing.

• Did not try to encircle the ball carrier with their arms when the tackle was made.

• Made contact on or below the knee with the ball carrier’s legs.

• Position themselves in front of the ball carrier.

• The referee believes that the player is not looking at the ball carrier when making contact or approaching contact in an uncontrollable manner (e.g., eyes to floor).

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